This is an intermediate class focusing on
how to work with enamels and how to apply them.
We will be focusing on applying wet enamel, capturing your own
line-drawings on a flat surface then, after firing the enamels; we will apply
the image inside an orb (marble).
Day 1: We will be creating our own one-of-a-kind small glass paintings. We will learn how different brushes create different effects, and how to sign you name on your work. (if you have taken my painting on beads class, this class will push your design style even further!)
Day 2: We will begin creating marbles such as a
twist inside the marble, and a compression flower marble. After we feel comfortable with this process,
we will begin to make marbles with our paintings.
The class is hosted in ENGLISH!
Die Kurse beinhalten:
- inkl. Glas, ohne Brenner und Konzi (Aufpreis: € 50.-/Tag)
- Materialliste
- Verpflegung (Getränke, Kaffee und Kuchen, Mittagessen & Snackbuffet)
- Zertifikat von kulturART
LadenKonzept, 1090 Wien, Kolingasse 10 (leicht zu erreichen – U2 Schottentor)
KURS: 2-Tageskurs: 6./7. Oktober 2018 von 10:00-18:00 Uhr, Kursgebühr: € 465.-
Anmeldeschluss: 5. Juli 2018
Verbindliche Anmeldung und Infos per Email
IT Series The Concepts of Information Technology Introduction to Computers & Information Technology Free Education Computers And Software Education website The use of Technology in every field of life is increasing with the passage of time. Proficiency in technology is very important to apply it effectively in different fields for betterment.